Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sushi Lovers head to Malden: All Seasons Table is Yummy

Let me start off by apologizing - I went to a Red Sox game yesterday and didn't want to carry my purse. So when 4 of us ended up in Malden eating beautiful platters (and a boat) of sushi, all I had with me was my clutch. Clutch = no camera. Sorry!

Sushi is all about presentation, and sadly, I can't show you, so you'll just have to go yourselves! All Seasons Table Restaurant in Malden (a quick walk from the T) was a great addition to my sushi repertoire in Boston. My roommate tells me there is usually no wait to get in, but as we went on a Saturday evening - 20 minutes at the bar before our table was ready wasn't so bad. I ordered a grey goose mai tai for $7.50 and it was delish. (They also had scorpions bowls but everyone else is classier than me and didn't want to swing for it - kidding...kinda). While at the bar, someone sat down at a piano and starting playing something jazzy. Throughout the evening, the piano was joined by a stand up bass, a trumpet, some soft drums, and a female vocalist. We all know how I feel about jazz. Automatic A!

The hostess showed us to the back of the restaurant where we had our own little private dining area with only one other table. We couldn't see the musicians, but I think it would have been a bit loud in the front of the restaurant, so I was happy as a clam back there.

My honey and I had some edamame and miso soup to start - pretty standard, but definitely good. Our friend's ordered the scallop scallion pancakes which they said were great. We decided to be all romatical and order the Chef's choice boat for two. For $47 we got 2 maki rolls, 8-10 pieces of sashimi, and about 8 pieces of sushi, and it included our miso soups ta boot! I'd say that's a great deal for sushi.

Now I know Malden is a little off the beaten path for many of you, but good sushi is good sushi. This place had ambiance, live music, fair prices, and most importantly - good quality fish. Besides, the orange line is speedy and can get you there in no time. And bring a date - this place has "love is in the air" written all over it...

Kampai! (that's "Cheers!" in Japanese)

Little B

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