So Im one of those people who gets a buzz from scrolling through the "things to do" section of Im a planner by nature and lucky for me, I live in a city full of plan-tastic opportunities (don't judge me for that adjective, its too early).
You can judge me for this though - Right now Im sitting here asking myself what my favorite thing to plan is and I cant even decide - dinner, happy hour, birthday parties?! Cheesy yes, but when all the planning is said and done and we finally meet up for our $7 pitchers of Bud Lite (Sidebar, if you're wondering) or the best sweet potato fries in town complimented by a delicious avacado'd california burger at Bukowski's (cash only but worth it)...there is nothing more satisfying.
I suppose its as good a time as ever, or perhaps even a little late to introduce myself. I go by Beth, but you can call me Little B, because honestly "Beth" just isnt cool enough even for my own blog.
So I grew up in the far of stix of New England and stumbled into the big city for some formal education just in time to watch the Red Sox break the curse. For those of you counting back, thats 2004. So, with 6 years of first hand Beantown experiences, including many a late night pizza run to Little Stevies, karaoke and beef skewers at Hong Kong - RIP :( - and a few more trips to the North End than my love handles would care to goes.
The plan from here is to share it all - best happy hour specials, worst place to bring a date, best late night chinatown establishment, worst red headed slut shot (it was really bad...), I will document as I discover.
Your comments and questions are welcome and encouraged!
Thanks for reading!
-Little B