Brace yourselves because this isn’t light-hearted, fun news, but Boston related and fantastic nevertheless.
Not too long ago a friend of mine was riding the green line when some creeper was standing on the bottom step and took a picture up her dress with his phone. Justifiably shaken up and feeling violated, she didn’t report the incident right away.
The other day she saw the same jerk on the train again, chasing down another skirt.
She whipped out her own phone, carefully took a picture of him and showed it to transit police. Because she knew where he had gotten on the T, where he got off, and knew just what he looked like, she had provided them with all the tools to catch him in the act. This was two days ago.
She just found out that the police caught him YESTERDAY using the info she gave him. He was busted doing the same thing to someone else, and now there’s one less creeper on the T.
Kudos, darling :) You did all the ladies of Boston a favor (and gave us a real live look at the importance of that “see something, say something” campaign they are constantly pushing in the subway).
And props to the transit police too! Im truly impressed by the efficiency and effectiveness of your detective work :) I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised and have a renewed faith in the law enforcement in this city!
(A much lighter, fun-filled post to come shortly.)
Over and out,
Little B
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