My plan for last night was to go to the gym and go grocery shopping, but sometimes life just calls for martinis and trivia instead. I admit, it was a little early in the week to indulge (and Im paying the price now with a nice little headache)– but if you ever find yourself in need of a Monday night out – I suggest heading to 6B.
Packie and I hadn’t seen each other in what felt like forever, so we did a little research for a classy-ish place downtown to catch up with a happy hour special on Monday night (a tall order, I know).
Turns out, 6B (located at 6 Beacon St – thus the name) offers a pretty fantastic deal: Dinner for 2, including a bottle of wine…for just $35!!! (no, not $35 each, $35 TOTAL). Considering you generally can’t get any bottle of wine at a restaurant for under $25, we figured this was a steal even if dinner turned out to be some chicken nuggets and potato chips.

Lucky for us, dinner turned out to be salmon, rice pilaf, and broccoli – not too shabby! The food wasn’t anything out of this world, but it certainly wasn’t bad and the portions were generous. You can check out their website for a list of other meal options they offer – all looking equally yummy. Wine options were pretty basic – shiraz, chardonnay, merlot, or pinot grigio. We went with the pinot and our very Irish waitress (awesome!) brought out a bottle of Cavit – nothing fancy, but it was good and we had no trouble polishing it off.
After dinner (around 8pm), the trivia hosts set up right behind us. Normally, Packie and I wouldn’t attempt trivia without assistance from our more worldly friends, but we were assured that “comedy points” would be counted (and fortunately, we’re very funny people…modest, too), and with that in mind, we ordered a couple martinis (ranging $8-$10) and decided to play. We each tried 2 different cocktails over the course of the evening – all of which were delicious!

Trivia turned out to be lots of fun – it wasn’t Stump Trivia like a lot of bars in Boston have – it was a little more laid back, though the rules/categories were similar. We were given ample hints and help by the trivia hosts (since it was clear there was no way we would win) and as promised, we were given comedy points for our creative, hilarious responses (i.e. we didn’t know who the president of Egypt was, but we still got points for “President Tut”). What can I say? These things just come to us after a bottle of wine and a couple cocktails…
Trivia wrapped up a little after 10pm and we asked for the check. Total bill with tip came to $80 – which included 2 full meals, a bottle of wine, and 4 cocktails. Not too shabby!
So for those of you who’d like to pretend you don’t need to go to the gym and you can last another day with no groceries – 6B on a Monday night is the place for you!!
Now to find a bottle of Excedrin…
Little B